Yes, it sounds like junk mail, but it is entirely true.
I was interested in seeing if iQ had a Wikipedia page, and so while I was searching Google, I came across a website of iQ's I had not seen before. Of course, I clicked it:
(Page will NOT open in a new window. I seem to have forgotten that bit of code. Just + click it open.)
And there, right before my eyes; a chance at last.
In case you are unaware of the greatest phone ever, check out the site.
(Same applies for this link, it will not open in a new window, sorry.)
It looks easy enough. They want us to do a video demonstrating the freedom and flexibility provided by online education. (There's a video of iQ Academy director Lisa McClure doing just that. She and a few others are using their laptop... while skydiving!) Everything we need to know is on the site, along with what will help us in winning.
Unfortunately, I just found out about this, and the deadline is noon on September 14th. Hopefully many of you were aware of this long before I was. If you weren't, there's still time!
If you want to add any special effects, titles, sounds, transitions, etc., I suggest you use iMovie HD, which should have came loaded on all of our laptops. It would normally be pretty slow, but since we're only using YouTube quality video here, it should be no problem at all.
I wish the best of luck to everyone!
I should mention, and I'm a little disappointed with myself that I didn't, that buying the iPhone means switching to AT&T's service. It's a 2 year agreement, plans starting at $59.99, and the phone can not be used (except to dial 911) until you have this service.
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